On this website, you can read the first free (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0) translation in French of the New Testament directly from the ancient Greek (Nestle 1904, public domain) enriched with Strong's Concordance (public domain), and MorphGNT SBLGNT morphology (CC-BY-SA 3.0) with a few changes (see Bible Help).
We're doing this translating work to encourage French speakers around the globe to read the Bible, and encourage all to learn koiné Greek, and to dig into the Scriptures. Here, you can even learn how to start translating the Bible in your language with the help of tools:
This is not about a new theology or creating a cult :) Not even to claim that one translation is better than another one, but to enrich you, to make you think about the Scriptures and we pray that it will help you to be inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Now we all have access to the manuscripts of the Bible, we can learn to read them in Hebrew and Koine (ancient Greek from the time of Jesus).
In addition to this translation, we share the learning journey with registered users (free), to encourage you to also learn to read the Bible as it was written.
Discover on this website a word-by-word interlinear translation of the Bible (in French for now, let us know if you'd like it in English).